PicoCTF 2023 writeup

2 minute read




Can you read files in the root file? Additional details will be available after launching your challenge instance. (100 points)


Description shows the flag at root file, so just use a command to find specific location of flag:

    grep -r "picoCTF" /

The flag is picoCTF{uS1ng_v1m_3dit0r_xxxxxxxx} in file metadata.json.



How to automate tasks to run at intervals on linux servers? Additional details will be available after launching your challenge instance. (100 points)


As the question of the description, the answer is crontab and configuration will use files *.json. Use this command to view:

    grep --include \*.json -r "picoCTF" /

The flag is picoCTF{Sch3DUL7NG_T45K3_L1NUX_xxxxxxxx} in in file metadata.json.

Money wave


  • Flag format: picoCTF{Malwarename} The first letter of the malware name should be capitalized and the rest lowercase. Your friend just got hacked and has been asked to pay some bitcoins to 1Mz7153HMuxXTuR2R1t78mGSdzaAtNbBWX. He doesn’t seem to understand what is going on and asks you for advice. Can you identify what malware he’s being a victim of? (100 points)

Bonus hint

  • Some crypto-currencies abuse databases exist; check them out!
  • Maybe Google might help.


The description shows this is crypto-malware. Using google look up the Bitcoin address 1Mz7153HMuxXTuR2R1t78mGSdzaAtNbBWX with keyword malware name. The result is Petya ransomware.

The flag is picoCTF{Petya}.



Can you make sense of this file? with attached file.


The content of downloaded file (enc_flag) shows base64 text. Using any tools to decode. The flag is picoCTF{base64_n3st3d_dic0d!n8_d0wnl04d3d_xxxxxxxx}.



Don’t power users get tired of making spelling mistakes in the shell? Not anymore! Enter Special, the Spell Checked Interface for Affecting Linux. Now, every word is properly spelled and capitalized… automatically and behind-the-scenes! Be the first to test Special in beta, and feel free to tell us all about how Special streamlines every development process that you face. When your co-workers see your amazing shell interface, just tell them: That’s Special (TM) Start your instance to see connection details. (300 points)


In this challenge, the Bash shell is replaced by Special shell that make every normal systaxs like cd are converted into Ad. After few times trial, there are 2 methods to bypass including brackets with semicolon and double quotations.

The sample command to get flag:

  "grep" -"r" "picoCTF" "."

The flag is picoCTF{5p311ch3ck_15_7h3_w0r57_xxxxxxxx}.



There’s an interesting script in the user’s home directory The work computer is running SSH. We’ve been given a script which performs some basic calculations, explore the script and find a flag. (100 points)


Using cat useless in user’s home directory to view content inside. However, after many times trial, it seems not work and this script returns error read the manual. Using the command man useless to solve this challenge.

The flag is picoCTF{us3l3ss_ch4ll3ng3_3xpl0it3d_xxxx}.